Friday, October 10, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Can You Get A Ingrown Hair On Inner Thigh
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Dodge Sprinter Office Conversion
Director: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Screenplay: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Model: Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Tilda Swinton, John Malkovich, Frances McDormand, Richard Jenkins, Matt Walton
Cinematography: Emmanuel Lubezki
Editor: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Music: Carter Burwell
Country: USA 2008
Genre: Comedy, Drama
The idea is: we live in an unhealthy society. As it can be developed? Nothing better than a comedy by the bitter aftertaste. The ingredients are there: the CIA, blackmail, lawyers, a woman ready to do anything to have her plastic scattered 'here a little' there for the body and ... sex machine. Everything then made to the highest levels by the acting of Brad Pitt, John Malkovich, and especially George Clooney.
Written and directed by Ethan Coen - absolutely perfect - Joel Coen.
Maintaining Confidentiality Face To Face
Despite all the loss of time on the Queen without Freddie and so on. etc.. etc.. that lead nowhere, I bought the CD and you carry my personal review.
hot stamping, I'm cold.
Prior to that no one has asked me all the songs, let me say that a cover so bad you could not see the times of Franco IV e Franco I.
That said, what I immediately jump after another listening ear, is that you do not know why they put the pieces arcane weaker at the beginning and the best in the end. A suicide, definitely a suicide.
Another thing that my ears and my brain just can not avoid is that looks like the Muddy Waters Blues version of Queen and many songs are really old songs and sometimes stimulate sleep.
But all in all is a nice album.
1. Cosmos Rockin '. Open an album with a song that is born old and ages with each passing second is the most absurd thing they could do. Not to mention the text that makes me want to kill them all ... At this point because I do not call the good soul of Ritchie Valens and start with La Bamba?
2. Time to shine is the kind of song you put on the penultimate before that powerful that closes the album. It is not bad but after the second to put the old version a rock around the world is all crazy.
3. Still Burning is chilling. Not so much the music that is a classic blues like many, but for the text to be punched in the face to those who wrote it. Sorry, but at 60 I can not sing rock and roll played nerver die ... The mention of We Will Rock You is, like all Paraculo, really well done.
4. Small seems taken verbatim from any of the albums of the Beatles, only the refrain of a song by Sean Lennon (can not remember if his first or second album), the son of John, just to make us not miss anything. But it is beautiful, but perhaps it is beautiful because it is similar to many others. It reminds me also the kind of dance to U2.
5. Warboys is London Town C'mon down more slowly but without the cool bass line. Bass lines that are missing a bit 'in the entire album. The chorus is too assonant with wild boys. But it's really a beautiful song.
6. We believe is very bad. The text is an example that is used to give meaning to the adjective "banal". Among other things, the initial attack is taken from the attack carbon copy of We Are the World. And Brian does not commit itself not to do the solo.
7. Call me is taken from the White Album. Already I can hear the voice of Paul McCartney. Would be a great b-side, instead we are the seventh of an album that is difficult to hear attacks without drowsiness.
8. Voodoo. With Voodoo we enter the interesting part of the record, what was once the B-side (even though common sense tells you to do the opposite esattamete). A nice blues done this well. Songs I heard with pleasure. And, even if Brian does not give me the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a perfect mastery of the blues, but not bad.
9. Some Things That Glitter is beautiful, maybe it's a bit 'too much along the lines of why do not we try again and wilderness. But you can listen well.
10. C-lebrity not contempt, but I would have preferred a longer only a muffled fart.
11. Through the night looks like a piece Floyd. E 'among the best pieces of the disc.
12. Say it's not true is definitely the best piece in my opinion. And always in my mind, I used to close the album.
13. Surf's up ... School's out! What can I say, I did not have title and this text would be a song with controcazzi. I'm sorry but the nice boomers can not sing this stuff.
14. Small reprise I would have avoided not seeing the usefulness. As I said, I would have ended with Say it's not true.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Dorval Airport Weight Restrictions Luggage
The world seems strange in the eyes of an alien, that would seem strange to our eyes. The only solution and not look at each other and, above all, avoid feeding the neighbor's cat because I think ours is the only diner open at 3 am. My sister had two cats: one has thought to commit suicide by jumping from the window, the second moved by me on the advice of his psychologist.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Example Of Holographic Will Ontario
And a tome of 600 pages, but if you like the person to whom it is dedicated, then it will be an excellent and smooth pursuit. Here are the phrases that struck me and which I totally agree.
The people ruin their lives for the inability to manage their feelings.
From a Freudian point of view, one might conclude that men agree to address the challenges of love relationships only because they need the eggs. Or ovaries.
[End of Manhattan (1979)] Just as she is about to leave, Ike realizes, too late, what has given up.
[Speaking of his relationship with Soon-Yi] When two people are happy with each other, and are happy enough.
's funny ... knowing that there is no point to continue to live you have to make a shopping list of things to believe.
[Sentence Tolstoy] You dip the pen in the blood.
[Phrase not used in "Crimes and Misdemeanors"] Every grain of human kindness puts a stake in the ass of god.
It 's like if life was a game where you can only lose.
'm not antisocial. And 'I'm just not social.
no divine power will punish us for our transgressions if we can get away with it on Earth. But even if we know that, you need to choose a life right not to plunge into chaos, the chaos that we experience every day because of this lack of choice by many.
fascism, understood as a total renunciation of one's personality in the name of belonging and acceptance from others.
My vision of life is understood as cold emptiness from which even art can save us ... just a little bit 'of warmth there is a comfort.
We live in a world without God. If the human being is not self-discipline, do not govern any other entity.
Woody Allen by Eric Lax - Conversations about me and everything else.
Bompiani Overlook
€ 21.50
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Men In Tight Trousers
I would try to declare my love, but then my accountant will cheer. Then declare war on the Kamchatka because the world needs me as a dictator.
I had a love that loved me and I loved her, then one day I left a note that read "Milk is over" stuck in the bathroom mirror. Never saw her again. Later I learned that she was arrested in a supermarket while trying to escape with the money of the case.
And if the law looks far my lawyer is a good ophthalmologist. Chico Marx said, "if you're in trouble call a lawyer, your troubles will increase but at least you have a lawyer."
In all this I find myself playing cards and bluffing are forced to raise indefinitely in the hope that what I face in front of me winning. The only problem with chess is that I rigged the cards come in handy that much.
And in the end returned insomnia. I've missed. The nights were so boring without her that I would end forever to fall asleep. Now I can devote my time to be a zombie eating raw meat and gunpowder, and no time in the bathroom that I do not do fireworks.
Monday, September 8, 2008
1987-1988 Ford Thunderbird Turbo
There are things misleading. Other absolutely senseless. Write a blog falls in this second section. "Then why did you write?" Because misleading and there are things that helps.
Speech absolutely senseless. I agree with Frank Capra, life is wonderful, although my perspective depends on the circumference.
And if I speak of love? I do not think, but surely they can only be installed by a loft bed bought at Ikea.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Trackball Fell Out Of Phone
Just by the way, the summer mess has caused me to do the first bath, the poor me, yesterday. First and last I guess. Are been to Santa Margherita Ligure, I do not think we will never go back to life. I do not want the millions who read the blog of Liguria.
said that tomorrow is another day and start again.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
What Font Is Used For Tiffany & Co.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Pretty Womanpolk A Dot
Italian Title: Pieces of April
Original Title: PIECES OF APRIL
Director: Peter Hedges
Performers: Katie Holmes, Patricia Clarkson, Oliver Platt, Derek Luke, Sean Hayes, Alison Pill, John Gallagher Jr., Alice Drummond, Lilias White, Isiah Whitlock Jr
Duration: 1:21 h
Country: U.S.
2003 Genre: Comedy
The story is about a girl who calls the parents, which is broken for years, to his home for Thanksgiving. This seems so poor, but the series of bad luck that goes against is Guinness Book of Records, which makes the story flowing and fun - even if you do not miss the bitter moments ...
Maybe those who followed Dawson's Creek and follow the career of Katie Holmes have already seen this movie. I follow that of Dawson's Creek I have always looked well, and then ignore the efforts of those who have part, I pleasantly discovered by accident.
I think it is a film that absolutely must be seen.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Shampoos At Whole Foods
E 'coming out thanks to We Will Rock You, the musical of Queen e Ben Elton e da un paio d'anni esibisce le sue grazie canore in wicked, musical tratto da una varizione sul mago di oz.
Basta parole, ecco la perfezione: musica e parole dei Queen, voce Kerry Ellis.
No one but you (only the good die young).
An angel reaching for the sky
Is it raining in heaven
Do you want us to cry?
And everywhere the broken hearted
On every lonely avenue
No-one could reach them
No-one but you
One by one
Only the good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
And life goes on -
Without you
Another tricky situation
I get to drownin' in the blues
And I find myself thinkin'
Well - what would you do
Yeah - it was such an operation
Forever paying every due
Hell, you made a sensation
You found a way through - and
One by one
Only the good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
We'll remember -
And now the party must be over
I guess we'll never understand
The sense of your leaving
Was it the way it was planned?
And so we grace another table
And raise our glasses one more time
There's a face at the window
And I ain't never, never sayin' goodbye...
One by one
Only the good die young
They're only flying too close to the sun
Cryin' for nothing
Cryin' for no one
No-one but you
Saturday, June 7, 2008
How Do I Get My Balance On Orange
Titolo Originale: ALTERED STATES
Regia: Ken Russell
Interpreti: William Hurt, Blair Brown, Bob Balaban, Charles Haid, Drew Barrymore
Durata: h 1.42
Nazionalità: USA 1980
Genere: drammatico
begin by quoting what is written on the DVD: Dr. Jessup floats in the basement of a medical school in total darkness. The most terrifying experiment in the history of science is out of hand ... and scientist and guinea pig are the same person.
said, "Altered States" is a film about the pursuit of scientific truth, and the price you are willing to pay to get to discover it.
I think it is a small masterpiece that has suffered a bit 'of the passing of time - the special effects are light years away from those of today - but that is always a pleasure to see. Perhaps with a nice big TV and a good sound system.
be noted that William Hurt was his first film - and the class did not lack for sure - and that Drew Barrymore was six years old and was in his second film - the year after he made ET.
I highly recommend it.
Here's the trailer:
Monday, June 2, 2008
Isabella From Bunny Ranch
Second post of the day.
Col John Gajardo always have (well, I have, but I'll leave a little 'well-known to him) noticed a disturbing similarity between the current Brian May of Queen and the present (?) Tony Dallara .
I expect at the concert in September that the Queen and they sound as romantic as before, maybe in English before like (pause) More Than Before (pause) I will love youuuuuuuuu
Here are a couple of photos to judge this absurd resemblance to you (for Dallara, of course).
Songs Of Inspiration By Jim Nabors
Most And I'm obliged to you for making it clear that I'm not here .
Monday, May 19, 2008
Black Boots With Brown Hat
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Dragonball Gt English Doujin
Obviously these things are true about Schifani. Not criminal offenses, but true facts. However, reading a bit 'here and a little' beyond the different positions, for or against, I ran into those written by Bice Biagi on Article 21. In favor of labor, of course.
Bice, for those who do not know, is the Enzo's daughter. When his father died, I went to give him my last goodbye. Unfortunately that day I stopped working at eight so it was too late, with the funeral home closed. I do not care, honestly. In the end there was not much difference between spare a thought outside or inside the clinic. He was dead, not what he had written or said.
Enzo Biagi was the only reason I bought the Corsera Sunday. Unfortunately, over the years, I devoured everything he wrote, from newspaper articles to books, and now I just have his little gems. Journalist unattainable. But I said Bice Biagi: This is the link of the article but if not I'll carry you click below. Good reading.
''E 'like I'm back in six years ago ...''
Bice Biagi
Improvvvisamente I came six years ago with the fear that a repetition of what' and that 'success then with the edict Bulgarian. It seems to me that the time has passed and it is not 'pleasant impression. In any case, out of controversies and arguments that are based only on the apology to be done and the reasoning should be more 'high and deep: Labor and' a journalist, the things you mentioned were written and published by him and Gomez Abbate in a book. It is not 'a thing written and' more ' or less true of a thing that on TV. Why all this fuss now when the public read the book had already 'got to know those theses? He expressed no opinion. He told a fact. If it is not 'what true' who wrote it will respond 'in Court. Those who have 'offended and' the second position in the State but the citizens have a right to know everything about a constitutional position. It 's not a rumor. Schifani Italian citizens should present themselves and tell how things went. My daughter and my grandchildren about it reminded me of a phrase that my father Enzo Corrado Alvaro always said, "We politicians do not want to know just what they have in mind but also what they have in their pockets ..."
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Using Rectangular Table Cloths On Round Tables
(1) 8.0 megapixels and 18x optical zoom.
Closer to zoom out and see images with the super sensor:
- Maximum coverage from wide angle to telephoto.
- Excursion from 27mm to 486mm (35mm equivalent).
- Excellent Super Macro function with focus on only 1cm away.
- total zoom equivalent to 91.8 x 5.1 x using digital zoom (VGA).
(2) Reduce or eliminate blur - by far!
- Dual Image Stabilization by combining "CCD Shift Image Stabilization and high ISO sensitivity.
- A button can be operated with one finger to set "Dual Image Stabilization."
- Ergonomic rubber grip for a safe and secure.
(3) Face Detection Technology - even with 18x magnification
- Automatically optimizes focus and exposure
- A button can be operated with one finger to set "Face Detection".
(4) Auto Red Eye Removal instantly identifies and corrects red-eye when shooting.
(5) High sensitivity ISO1600 and ISO 6400/3200 with 8.0 megapixel resolution 4.0 Megapixel.
(6) Excellent LCD and EVF
- Covering Wide View LCD display expands the viewing angle
- Treatment "anti-glare" helps prevent reflections
- The EVF high resolution of 230,000 pixels (with a rate of 60 fps) allows a clear vision and fluid in real time.
(7) Other features
- Several preset scenes, including mode "Auction" (photo for auction sites).
- Manual mode available.
- Burst from 2M to 15 fps, 7 fps by 4M, 8M 1.3 fps.
- compatible storage compartment for xD-Picture Card, Secure Digital (SD) cards and SDHC (high capacity).
- Function "Micro Thumbnail (Microminiature) - 100 images in 10 x 10 training for the tracking of the desired image.
- VGA movies with sound for 30 fps.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Menards Cutting Countertop
Saturday, May 3, 2008
T-rex Birthday Invitation Wording
I did not say anything and I end up here.
Enjoy yourself!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
What Hoyt Bow Should I Buy
Some pious soul has uploaded on youtube and I around here.
Enjoy yourself!