Periodaccio Marco Travaglio, although I do not remember I've had quiet days. I've always followed and listened with pleasure and interest from the day when I learned of its existence, the popular participation in Satyricon Daniele Luttazzi.
Obviously these things are true about Schifani. Not criminal offenses, but true facts. However, reading a bit 'here and a little' beyond the different positions, for or against, I ran into those written by Bice Biagi on Article 21. In favor of labor, of course.
Bice, for those who do not know, is the Enzo's daughter. When his father died, I went to give him my last goodbye. Unfortunately that day I stopped working at eight so it was too late, with the funeral home closed. I do not care, honestly. In the end there was not much difference between spare a thought outside or inside the clinic. He was dead, not what he had written or said.
Enzo Biagi was the only reason I bought the Corsera Sunday. Unfortunately, over the years, I devoured everything he wrote, from newspaper articles to books, and now I just have his little gems. Journalist unattainable. But I said Bice Biagi: This is the link of the article but if not I'll carry you click below. Good reading.
''E 'like I'm back in six years ago ...''
Bice Biagi
Improvvvisamente I came six years ago with the fear that a repetition of what' and that 'success then with the edict Bulgarian. It seems to me that the time has passed and it is not 'pleasant impression. In any case, out of controversies and arguments that are based only on the apology to be done and the reasoning should be more 'high and deep: Labor and' a journalist, the things you mentioned were written and published by him and Gomez Abbate in a book. It is not 'a thing written and' more ' or less true of a thing that on TV. Why all this fuss now when the public read the book had already 'got to know those theses? He expressed no opinion. He told a fact. If it is not 'what true' who wrote it will respond 'in Court. Those who have 'offended and' the second position in the State but the citizens have a right to know everything about a constitutional position. It 's not a rumor. Schifani Italian citizens should present themselves and tell how things went. My daughter and my grandchildren about it reminded me of a phrase that my father Enzo Corrado Alvaro always said, "We politicians do not want to know just what they have in mind but also what they have in their pockets ..."
Obviously these things are true about Schifani. Not criminal offenses, but true facts. However, reading a bit 'here and a little' beyond the different positions, for or against, I ran into those written by Bice Biagi on Article 21. In favor of labor, of course.
Bice, for those who do not know, is the Enzo's daughter. When his father died, I went to give him my last goodbye. Unfortunately that day I stopped working at eight so it was too late, with the funeral home closed. I do not care, honestly. In the end there was not much difference between spare a thought outside or inside the clinic. He was dead, not what he had written or said.
Enzo Biagi was the only reason I bought the Corsera Sunday. Unfortunately, over the years, I devoured everything he wrote, from newspaper articles to books, and now I just have his little gems. Journalist unattainable. But I said Bice Biagi: This is the link of the article but if not I'll carry you click below. Good reading.
''E 'like I'm back in six years ago ...''
Bice Biagi
Improvvvisamente I came six years ago with the fear that a repetition of what' and that 'success then with the edict Bulgarian. It seems to me that the time has passed and it is not 'pleasant impression. In any case, out of controversies and arguments that are based only on the apology to be done and the reasoning should be more 'high and deep: Labor and' a journalist, the things you mentioned were written and published by him and Gomez Abbate in a book. It is not 'a thing written and' more ' or less true of a thing that on TV. Why all this fuss now when the public read the book had already 'got to know those theses? He expressed no opinion. He told a fact. If it is not 'what true' who wrote it will respond 'in Court. Those who have 'offended and' the second position in the State but the citizens have a right to know everything about a constitutional position. It 's not a rumor. Schifani Italian citizens should present themselves and tell how things went. My daughter and my grandchildren about it reminded me of a phrase that my father Enzo Corrado Alvaro always said, "We politicians do not want to know just what they have in mind but also what they have in their pockets ..."
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