comments and criticisms of the last hours in line Veltroni and the Democratic Party left amazed. After many months in which we support without being the least listened to and to create a real alternative to Berlusconi we should seriously put around a table with a covenant for the future of secular and reformist left. There has been much controversy after the vote Sardo late and cynical, the former leader of the Democratic Party, (Veltroni) Socialists today make the honors of war and call again for the Democrats to participate, with greater humility, the reorganization of a reformist left that points to the European Socialists, in a confrontation between secular and Catholic Democrats, that isolates and antagonism demagoguery old and useless. You can exit from the crisis, "but only taking this path." At the time of construction of alliances, from the table of the Presidency someone said "But the Socialists?" Piero Fassino that someone was asking the reasons for the lack of involvement of the Socialists. From that table leaders of the Democratic Party one voice exclaimed this sentence:
"Socialists should not break the balls. "
This item was a senior member of the Democratic Party, which used the PDS; before reaction of the DS, which before was a communist comrades. Veltroni resolder with the correct ratios at our Congress in Montecatini, after an initial opposition, but then we understood. In Sardinia, and was made the same mistake, or if you want you consumed another rude to us, and many factions of the Democratic Party leaders, this time in our town, we mocked before the election Sarde, threatening to annihilate us finally, and destroys today and tomorrow annihilates, while we record the collapse of the Democratic Party is in the region that Our City, in favor of an illustrious stranger named Cappellacci, opponent minor compared to Renato Soru. Eventually I hope that the leaders of the Democratic Party of Porto Torres, or one part well identified, which in those perennially at the intersection of Corso Vittorio Emanuele and Via Ponte Romano, repent and continue to smile as they did before the election when they saw pass a Socialist . As for me I did not lose his good humor and I hope to contribute to the creation of an aggregation of center that allows us to replace a mayor chosen by classmates and friends who serve in a future coalition. We'll be there if there is permission and we will give our modest contribution, although small, but many smaller parties making up the left and not just those who serve in the PD. I say these things calmly and without any rancor toward anybody.
fraternal greetings to Comrades and Friends of the Democratic Party.
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