So gentle and so honest it seems my wife, when she greets others, that every language changes Deven trembling and my eyes did not dare to look.
that no loved Amor, amar forgive .....
that no loved Amor, amar forgive .....
Dante Alighieri phrases that you will certainly recognized, but some are phrases that do not know that Joseph and I often exchanged. The first was contained all his irony, his romantic jealousy lurked behind that famous phrase of Dante ... but I answered him back in poetic tone, not to be left behind! Yes, because for him also my greeting to a friend or a simple exchange of the chat was a source of jealousy and I often repeated this phrase with a slight smile, which I knew was not at all happy but ironic, and stood out on his face as a wound. His face ... how many times I caressed, kissed her lips, "Love that no one beloved, loving .." after yet another argument for his jealousy, to make peace with him often he whispered, brushing a kiss with his eyes, feeling guilty then dont know what ... but then, I have forgiven more! I'm in my lunch, my colleagues are all down, have coffee and chat a bit, I did not like today, I have no appetite, some memories I close my stomach. Wearing a red jacket and dark trousers, a delicate ivory silk scarf with thin stripes to match the suit, ivory blouse unbuttoned just at the right point, which is just a glimpse of my breasts ... a touch of malice does not hurt! I just picked up my hair, light makeup and a few drops of perfume water Gio, "one of my favorites, are now just a" nice formula "as they say here
, but I feel like a beautiful hyena unleashed. Not even the expensive care of Robert, my colleague's room, now I have really liked it, Roby are poor indeed been unkind to him, I sent back to his desk that gives me the usual flower in the morning, I told him well ... he could use it for breakfast! my Mom that I was sour! Even yesterday night I heard Joseph, reminded me that soon there will be the Congress near the town where I live now, and want to talk to me, his warm voice was nonchalant about my dislike of vague and evasive in my answers, he continued to express his feelings for me, his behavior at times is reflected in an old proverb "drop shattering a rock", I'd love to be a rock, I fear that this drop once again able to enter me. "Love does not find perfection, but forgive terrible flaws" (R. Pilcher), certainly a beautiful phrase, is to live it that makes it almost impossible!

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