E 'night, I can not sleep, so it takes me' at times. Light pacatamante streetlights illuminates my room, in the silence of the night outside noises seem amplified, now a bike, now a car seem to violate the silence of the night. It is not cold, wearing a pink gown with a bodice full of lovely floral and butterflies that are based on flowers, my hair slip on my shoulders and some seem to enjoy beautiful hair re to cover the eyes, perhaps they do not want that Write! The reference back, moving his hand towards my head. Miss My, my treasure cat is curled up on my chair, now he's made himself master, it seems his throne ... Patience is a queen sofa! I put my headphones, listening to the radio with music the night is romantic songs, some do not even know, but they are beautiful, the listening pleasure. One made me think, is certainly very old but beautiful, Luigi Tenco, "I love you" ... but how beautiful! Beautiful words, deep ... and how to reflect certain realities! "I love you because I had nothing to do," sang Luigi Tenco, and how bad all this, start a relationship like that, without a reason, just to get someone to break the monotony of daily, that you move away from so many thoughts ... and then what? Then realize that it is not, regret meeting him. The thought is getting stronger, overpowering inside you, you can not more than help it and you just can not be alone, and he's so sweet, cute, full of care, which covers you for caring, that tells you "you are my sunshine, my light" you realize that you just can not do not think so, but now you do not know what to do and do not wish for anything to make him suffer. The warmth of my duvet almost bothers me, or maybe I just can not stand anything tonight, lifting it from the top of my legs and slide off the bed as if he understood that Starmie is far better now, I can not stand him either. I caress my thighs now that are left uncovered, are warm, smooth, my hand goes up, my sinus relief, close my eyes, I feel a sweet sensation of pleasure. How I wish they were more hands to stroke, as I feel lonely tonight! I would like to talk about love now, just not to be alone, as he sang Luigi Tenco ...
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