From that day I felt changed, I do not know why, but my body was outwardly the same inwardly I felt different, like I'm bigger, certainly a personal feeling or be credited to my relationship with Joseph, that they were beautiful but strangely it was me and created the first melancholy, when I saw down there, I missing ... sometimes suffered from inappentenza when I knew it had to come home or we had to meet the usually hidden. I took a punch in the stomach, "I could not eat, nibble just for the joy of my brothers butt of consumer jokes that not only me but also for what one of them took advantage of my lunch to make an encore to his. For him there are problems at the table, still call it "assembly line" and you know why? Why is a food, he eats anything, has no problems and believe that if the dishes were edible ... there would be no need to wash dishes because even they eat ... then where you put all this food I do not know. It maintains a strong physical but not fat, is a mountain of muscle, give him a pinch is a business, sometimes I'm hurting your fingers! Even today when I see you in his arms like when I was little and it makes me jump into his arms while I cry in fear but I am also amused by this. Instead of my change had noticed my father you know, between us, father and daughter, there was a special relationship, a symbiosis, as if Mother Nature had me attached to him with the umbilical cord. One afternoon I was in my room as usual with my music, immersed in reading, when I heard a knock at the door accompanied by an "I come in?". It was my father, never allowed himself to enter my room without first knocking or asking permission to enter, had done so, old-fashioned way, with his manner polite and respectful. A kiss for you dad. He went timidly to my room, where as usual, not to disprove the disorder reigned supreme ... but he did not care all that, it was not as mom always complained that they do not understand how I could live that way and blah blah blah ... How, I thought? To me it seemed all right! And then it says that the index order is too of mediocrity and then I think I'm better at least on the mess! I smile, I think mom had quite right, my room was worse than a camp of displaced people! Dad sat next to me on the edge of the bed, I remember now as it was in his bed jacket
bordeuax, always with the shirt and tie, did not take off even under the bed jacket. Tall, robust, very similar in body to my brother, light eyes and hair like mine that had been given space of time the color silver. I knew immediately that I wanted to talk, but not things of daily routines, and I took her hand, as he did, and held it between her, a way to feel closer to me and said, "Gioiuzza, my joy, my father tell me, what have you these days?". I watched him in the eye, I wanted to tell him everything, but I stayed, I had a lump in my throat, I was excited, I could only ask a question to answer, "Dad, you can love a man until you feel that you stole the soul, which is your whole life? " and he "Not only that, but to also feel that it will be part of you for life and love him forever." I embraced him close to me and whispered in his ear as soon as "I feel this," said almost like a sigh, thinking that perhaps I had not even kissed sentita.Lo on the eyes, forehead, as he liked, I understood because he loved Mom more of his life.