Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Proxy's For Facebook At School

joy and love - part three

At the end we were hugging each other, a thin film of sweat on our bodies, there is still a little bit about me, inside me, and looked at me as if I were an angel on His face shone through all her happiness, her eyes gives me all her love, lifted me from kissing on the lips once more, my arms disciolsero the embrace that I had given her, and came to my side, I still feel like the contact of her body with mine. He passed his fingers through my hair, my face, silently, she continued to caress her breasts, her hand touched my belly sliding down up to my groin, then approached, bowed his head and kissed him. Gently rested her face on it, I could feel the warmth of his breath, my hands touched her hair as to want to accompany these actions that caused me very strong emotion. He lingered a little longer caressing her thighs, brushing her lips with my breasts and stood on my lips, whispering again, "you are mine, only mine forever" kissing softly. You're mine, only mine forever ... Joseph was a phrase carved into his brain and spirit tattooed on my skin. They seem to just words, but in my case it was as if I had a contract, written in indelible ink, and accurately reflect their meaning. His love was possessive, protective, obsessive, but also sweet, passionate, intense ... but has been and always true love. I was not the least, my life revolved around him, he was really part of me ... and is not a cliche! I felt inside me, love child, I thought, reflected the real father figure, a father who adored her, appeal to a mature man sexy ... in short, my love was a huge, visceral, to Joseph.


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