the years passed, the inexorable passage of time and Joseph was always beside me. He ran my life in every way. You might think I do not care, I swept up as the waters of a stream: in fact I was so in harmony that I noticed. Joseph also bought me clothes to his taste, as if dressed her doll! Kept me away from my friends, were not suited to me said, let me just choose the option that I liked and that he thought was right for me, but just because it was almost to his intellectual level, imagine if I had chosen a right to cultural mediocre! Today you know I think of those times, I felt like a butterfly in its chrysalis, that is, exists but is locked in a prison and is waiting to get rid of the housing and to "fly" alone to enjoy the wonders of nature. I did not take much to be happy, his caresses, his kisses, stay in his arms made me touch "the sky with a finger," I did not care much ... and I realized that his hand held tight in my cocoon! His presence in my house was now normal, even chose the food for me, I love the fish, is one of my favorite dishes ... and he know what he was doing? Before going to lecture at the University went to the fish market early in the morning and I bought the fish, said that "only in the morning is the best," led him to mom and also advised on how to cook ... "Here is the fish Picciriddi my pa," as well as used to say to want to nurture his love even materially. Mom snorted when Joseph, as aforesaid, the recommended method of production, and she does not mind so often threatened him with certain trappings that would have pulled him if he had not made him have his way. Mom reminded him that I was his daughter, and knew what I liked or not, with that wry smile that accompanied his words and hiding behind a lot of impatience ch! Then if I had a lesson we went to university together, but first made sure I had a dress code "appropriate" to leave ... Woe to dress
me in my own way, if I wore a pants-over tights with a sweater or jeans and long sweaters a little member, his comment was always the same: "you're dressed to bitch, you know that I like it !"... So, sadly, did not reply, I would change, he chose me what I had to wear and I cuddling, kissing ... "This is now my doll." Passive, blind, deaf? No! Only love, to the point of life based on his own and only for him, just to make him happy as I was so close to him! You know as I write and I tell myself, even though it may seem strange, I get a lump in my throat, because Joseph really loved me, that love crazy, obsessive ... but it was really love his way. Love, with a capital A, because it is often easy to say "I love you", for some it is just a way to say or even to deceive others say they do not know what love is and have never lived, pronounce this word and believe that is normal at times ... do not know that sin is offending the sentiment is the person to whom I address it, and there are only empty inside people that love does not even know how to spell!
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