third party - part
But what did all that I was only thinking and books? Nooo! Not at all, but ... I want raconte espisodio some of my childhood and a bit of me to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow I was "thoughtful." As a child attending a school run by nuns very well known in Catania, was run by strict nuns, was the compulsory "school uniform", a full pleated skirt made of a blue, white shirt with round collar and jacket with pocket where the mother had embroidered my initials. How sweet, earnest in my uniform ... seemed to bear a burden on him, not it was my uniform! I was a kid, do not know how I smile as I remember, I was a child educated, respectful, always willing to help classmate, silent, attentive ... but that, for nothing! It's not that same careful, indeed, the nun stared into his eyes, so they seem very interested in the lesson, but my head would go elsewhere ... was not my fault, I swear! I did it without realizing it, but Sister Nina and I noticed it "chirps" with a loud voice that seemed to appeal to a shock in my brain, I thought it was better if he had given to the opera ... did some sharp! In short, I screamed, he could not understand me, my mind went beyond ... I thought, "but when it ends?". I remember my classmate, his name was Rosanna, was the face of those that just did not want to do anything and tried to cheat his neighbor, Sister Nina had put her close to me, said I should help it sometimes ... but sometimes! She also wanted enterprise engaged all their duties, I copied the problems and I was pulling the strings even if not helped, in fact a lazy, I had mistaken for a missionary, all dedicated to helping! Not at all, I took her out of spite snack from the bag, at least I did pay for the services rendered! And then she wept so, it was a real complaining! Two of my teachers were really a "Odd Couple", remember Laurel and Hardy? Identical, only they were dressed as nuns. A skinny, Sr. Clare, gaunt face, with the air vanished, blacks round glasses on his nose, the other fat, Sister Joan, her face cicciotello and two red cheeks that seemed to have got a sunburn on her face, framed by the white bands that Headgear cassock seemed that it could explode at any moment. I do not capacitive as could be, say, "round", my innate curiosity did not give me peace, I understand why fo
iff so different from Sister Claire, so I slipped under his clothes, I had to see for yourselves! .. . Do not tell you what a scandal! I remember like now, she wriggled, she raised her skirts, shouting "get out now Joy", as if shouting had to put on a mouse under his cassock, I fear I held on to his leg to a leg that looked like a rosy smile thinking about it, I had desecrated the skirts of Sister Joan! It followed several complaints and accusations, accompanied by the presence of my father, apologizing to Sister Joan, almost seemed to want to sink to the incident ... but what do you think would be better to take the question of the difference in physical life? Big tears came down my face, Dad could not resist, he understood me, took me in his arms as if to console me and said, "Joy, my darling, but just the thighs of Sister Joan had to go and watch? My fear is that now not dine with fright !"... and snorted in laughter. I held her, could not be much more severe, God how I miss! A kiss Daddy.
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