Friday, May 29, 2009

Houses In The Poconos To Rent For Prom

Joy - Joy Part II

It is said that love has no age, and that just overwhelms you when it arrives, and never more apt phrase as this was my reality! The reason was very considerable difference in age between me and Joseph, he, the dear friend of my brother, a frequent visitor to my house, now increasingly present in most occasions, both planned and random. I attended the first year of high school, he also consigliatomi, who saw me in a promising student, full of hunger for knowledge and he was an expert on this, being now a respected university professor, and he confided in me a certain success in their studies. Joseph often lavish in helping with homework, had become like another family member, we had an afternoon appointment, made of study tips and much more. I loved everything about him, her perfume, her smile, her eyes that seemed to want me to read in, the slight trembling of the hands, sometimes resulted in emotion, not biased to ever make me understand his feelings, but I understood them well I beat his heart pounding when I saw it or when, during a writing or other I just touched the hand (I would not have not even washed that hand, just to keep still nice sensation). Joseph while he was performing a task as soon as I stroked his head, justifying his actions behind a "you're tired little real ?"... but I knew that behind that stroke was much more than a simple statement of my fatigue. It was the graduation day of my brother, Joseph, of course there was also with us, programmed with each other after the graduation ceremony to be done to celebrate the event, and I was there that I listened to them, watching them, joking and laughing I almost kept on the sidelines, I knew that my brother would never have brought with them, I was small for him, that love of a brother who was, to say nothing ... we understand each other is not it? But Joseph could almost impose that day, said to He was right that I share in his party, and his eyes sought the 'approval and Consenzo by my father, who seemed quite favorable and the treasure of my brother, in a choked voice, as if he were swallowing a toad, I said, "oh well we carry with us the addeva" (small), I would not even carry on their shoulders, both weighed the thing. I was there to tell him there for four of mine and I thought, "you graduated, but always remain stupid" ... I was careful not to tell her, I would have then made out with his friends: in short, it was a str .....!! I waited anxiously in the evening, I spent an entire afternoon looking for the most appropriate dress, I wanted to look a little bigger, I wonder why! I nod with my head as I write this sentence, because I knew very well why, I wanted to see me alone with him, Joseph did not interest me any more. I put a nice simple black evening dress, gliding gently on my hips as if trying to mold them even more, a hint of a "gap" on the front of the dress gave glimpses of my thighs, a nice cleavage emphasized my breasts, where the end the neckline had a yellow rose malicious applications, such as to complete or sign a pretty picture. It was so nice to see! I just picked up my hair with a comb edged with tiny "crystals", and down like waves on my back, I truccai slightly just a little bit of eyeshadow on the eyelids and a little mascara on the lashes, my blue eyes seemed to shine that night, I was happy, a bit of lip gloss, a few drops of fresh fragrance ... and here "the addeva" (the baby) that had been transformed into a little woman! I looked in the mirror, my mom what I like (notice my innate modesty!). As always telling me I smile as I write, in short, I was transformed from duckling to swan ... and swan ! A black swan ... too sexy! But that treasure, love jewelry and I say no more, my brother, instead of making me a compliment at least looked at me and said, "the frog did the restoration." God 's would have killed the moment, but I could not do it, everything would be solved in one of our usual skirmishes between brothers and I could not afford it, I wanted to go out with them and then swallowed the bullet, be limited to a terse "but go to hell!" , that class and not with nonchalance. Only Joseph complimented me on my look, looking always with discretion, I murmured, "you are beautiful, blossom more each day, the wonderful pink on the breast, leading you cancel on you." I sat on the balls of my feet (he is much taller than me), half-closed eyes giving him my face and he kissed me on the head timidly, and touched with a caress my hair ...


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