Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Stange Mucus In Period

fourth part is growing - growing third party

That evening we went to Acicastello, a charming seaside town near the seafront in Catania, at the Green Bay, a famous and beautiful Grand Hotel where the combination between green vegetation and the beautiful cliff overlooking the sea makes it a pearl of the Ionian coast. The terrace, overlooking the sea, was used as a restaurant, large palm trees, majestic pine trees and flowering plants scattered everywhere along the edges of the large pool and not only filled the air with perfume. From the large terrace, under a summer sky full of stars, which appear to be bright diamonds set in it, you could enjoy the view of the cliff overlooking the sea in natural lava stone, illuminated by spotlights places in the crevices of the wall the rock that filled the bay to the sea, and you could see the sparkling waves crashing, it seemed that he enjoyed the sea lapping at the rocks and the roar of the waves sounded from above, the reflections of light on the sea and the shadows of the rocks gave birth to a beautiful play of light and color. Soft down on the tables, white tablecloths make ready soberly and on each of them was on display a colorful bouquet of flowers and lighted candles in candlesticks transparent table. The music is diff nYou may need in 'environment and made it even more magical atmosphere of the evening. My father had arranged it all behind mom's advice, so that the graduation party for my brother was a pleasant meeting place for all. Soon the hall was crowded with relatives and friends, the cheerful laughter and chatter of the defendants above the music. To me, that evening, strangely, had been allowed to sit at the table of friends ... it was just a "special offer". They were of course all the friends of my brothers, and that evening some of them were even more mats and more stupid than before because they rush to congratulate me with sickly sweet and silly phrases, patience, I had to pay them! But then did not see them either, for me it was only coreografia.Sedevo beside Joseph, who knows why! It was the most beautiful and attractive of all, wearing a light linen dress cool (we were on a warm evening in late July), in a tone shirt and a stylish tie complete the look ... as usually always stood out for its elegance and style. Next to him I was fine, I felt almost protected, I spoke with his warm voice calm me drunk, looked at me as if for the first time, often our eyes met, every time I moved a few strands of hair back and said " it's hot, right Joy "and I felt his hand just touching the face or shoulder, it looked like a feather that touches my skin and gave me a sweet sensation, a" deep conviction. " Joseph, as if to protect me, on several occasions failed to cut class with stupid and trivial approaches by some of their friend, with dry and phrases that were targeted to understand to be unwanted, and I just wanted to enjoy in peace the evening. Since then outlined the borders around me! After dinner they were served dishes of Sicilian cuisine, a great par you if the guests so we went and we were young, friends or otherwise, and as they say ... We gave him beginning to dance! As a child I always loved dancing, especially Latin-American dancing, and that evening "the addeva" (small) gave dance lesson to a brother who looked at me stunned disbelief, but that he enjoyed so much to dance with me . During a slow dance, Valerio, I still remember the name, it seemed a "fracobollo" in short, I was stuck on him, clutching a little too ... but I do not lose heart in it I let go center of the room, with a congendadolo "I do not like orange juice," and angrily returned to my table, trying not to notice my disapproval. Only Joseph noticed everything, and I said "Joy from now if you want to dance alone with me, so do not worry and enjoy yourself", in his words showed a sense of security to me and I was not disappointed at all. And so for the rest of the evening was slow danced with him, I like to hear from her arms around her waist, her scent mingled with the sea breeze enveloped me and comes over me, it was so nice to touch his body on the discrete mine, and spontaneously putting down my head on his chest, and he occasionally touched him with his face. And yes, he has nothing but orange juice, I would have to do a "milkshake," I liked being so close in his arms!


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