grows Gioia - Gioia
That day, it was almost the end of October, and threatened rain, the sky was dark gray, occasionally glanced at school from the window of my classroom to see if it was raining, I had not even brought an umbrella, but both can not stand it, so I was hoping "pulled" at least until I got home. I wore jeans, like "can not be more torn," short with built-in air conditioning! Fuchsia sweater in soft wool, with lace collar and white-colored passanastro that was tied with a knot in the middle of it, I liked it, was one of my favorites this, emphasized a little more ... including hair died. I smile, because my breasts stand out forever, even if I put a chaste habit! As I write, my eye falls on them, face pink and round the neckline of my shirt from the night, sometimes I think I have an air bag provided, provided by mother nature! No more lessons, I went to the bus stop, hoping to pass in time to return home, but did not arrive that day (for a change!), Or delayed or not passed when I needed more, so under threatening clouds and a backpack shoulder walked toward the house. Here in Sicily of the time it does not rain for long periods, but then if you put the effort in bad weather, then it triggers a flood coming down all the rain back! Who we are ... or as much, or nothing! And that day he came down a lot of rain: I was in the midst of a storm, I was furious, looked like a wet chick, I had it all, at first with my brothers who had not deigned to pick me up, who knows Where 'ambush were certainly to swear eternal love to one of their new conquests, romantic in the rain ... that carrion! If Dad was in the area, he would come get me ... I would have reduced "crumbs", I would have "spizzicottati" blacks to make them, I would have ... in short, forget it otherwise could seem too violent, but certainly if I had had I do not know how it would end in front! Anything but a chick, I would be annoyed and I'd wet a monkey jumps on them to satisfy my nervousness. Accompanied by these sweet and quiet thoughts, I continued toward the house, now the rain had reduced me as a towel dripping water, I no longer soft moccasins on your feet, but my feet were swimming in them, seemed to become of the boats, he felt even the sound of splashing that were at my feet, the wind shook the leafy branches of the trees that lined the edges of the road, dropping the colored leaves in warm shades of autumn colors. They looked like confetti, which slid down and languishing in some pool of water, only note of color in the midst of so much gray, sometimes thunder and lightning shook me from my thoughts, not peaceful, to my brothers, when I heard a car horn and a voice known to me, calling me, that startled me ... I was too busy to prepare the "revenge" toward them, I thought "finally a dog has deigned to come and get me !"... But it was Joseph! Perhaps, I thought, to be passed here by chance, came and asked me to get in the car, not even lingered a second, I thought an angel came from the rain, I used not even fake pleasantries such as "I am sorry to wet the seat of your car "etc, I did not care anything, I was too soaked in water ... but the heat the car I immediately refreshed. God, how beautiful it was, it seemed a ray of sunshine in the storm, he worked to use wipes to try and dry them in some way, I rubbed my hair, I wiped my face saying "baby, my little one, but as you are reduced, you risk cold !"... in him to prevalev
always that sense of protection against me. Then suddenly he took my face in his hands, and kissed me on the lips ... Beautiful! My first kiss, I was ecstatic, it was very strong emotion, his warm lips on mine, my face in his hands, his eyes half closed, I wanted that kiss would never end, even I could not feel cold, I gave nuisance even the wet clothes I was wearing ... Giuseppe but suddenly drew back, began to apologize, telling me I would never have happened. But why apologize I thought, what? ... I can not wait! I stood still as if waiting, his eyes half closed, I still wanted a kiss, and since Joseph did not make up his mind and kept repeating that he wanted to, could not understand how that had happened (as if he had committed a sin!). .. I decided to take the initiative: it was me this time to take his face in my hands, I felt my fingers just under a veil of his beard, his beautiful eyes looking at me bewildered, incredulous, maybe because they did not expect, perceived the fragrance of her perfume and were my lips rested on her, hot, humid, he is not portrayed at all, kissed me passionately, I felt a slight tremor in his hands (typical in him when he moved) and touched my cheeks and hair, I repeat "Joy, my Joy, my child, joy of my life" ... Outside the rain continued to fall, the wind shook the trees, colorful leaves are dipped in the puddles ... but most did not care, it could come down the "Great Flood", now I was close in his arms!
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